A Very Belated Affair/Week Something or another/Issue 5

It's a very belated affair It may have been a moon or two ago that the last issue of the pepper rolled out. And if it was up to a certain SpiderWebby, we'd all be fired now. Well, good news for us, we make our own rules here at The Pepper. And in this case, it means belated Pepper is better than No Pepper, right? The bad news is that this issue was delayed due to real-life tragedies and stresses. Please be patient with us as we recover...and maybe send us chocolate. It never hurts. But let's not dwell on the past. What you really want is your LRVT latest scandals and gossip, right? So dive on in! Merlot Baby Name Feud Continues From naming rights to nicknames to baby's first words, the Tea Roll vs Chat feud has been running strong. The most recent squabbles have involved what the little prince's first words will be. It is our unbiased opinion that in this matter, Tea Roll may have the upper hand. As it is, SpringJoy's offspring already know her by nam...