It's been 84 Years... //Issue 14
It's been eighty-four years and seventeen days since the last issue of Subeta's most loved chronicles was published. One might think the Nyota clan had turned saintly at long last. But have they really given up their life of Royal shopping sprees, hidden CW closets, and general poking and bopping and dancing with the bears? Has the Empress's endless bopping finally begun to pay off? The answer is clearly a resounding no. Upon seeing her name reported one too many times for bad weather, Webby blew the press right into the Marz… the room we don’t speak of. It’s only by the luck of the Irish Pepper Ghosts that we return to you with these breaking news items. In other words, We're back!!! It does not escape our notice that the final issue was numbered 13. Some might call that a bad omen, but the reporters here don't believe in bad luck, we just believe in coming back again and again. Like heartburn, you say? Well maybe. We are Peppers after all. So where have we b...