The Epic Lovecraft vs Tea_Roll Fight

Of 2012.....

So what began with a "stolen" purple cup turned into an all out brawl between two ladies of LRVT. Lady  Lovecraft, willing to do anything to get her purple cup back started to attack innocent bystanders and while taking Lady Fennec hostage to incite Lady Tea_Roll to give her her cup back was met with this from Lady Tea_Roll...

Tea_Roll=Hulk, Lovecraft=Loki

To which Lady Lovecraft replied
No Holds Bar!!!!

To which Tea_Roll replied
 No More like this.....

To which escalated to all of LRVT being dragged into the fight. (Although most where completely clueless that they were a part of it....
This is where Sir GuildieOTY and Lady Flamingo come in...

And then this was some eye candy that Lady Lovecraft wanted to share afterwards...

 And although nothing was resolved, the cup was never returned and the Lady Fennec never eaten that is The Epic Lovecraft vs Tea_Roll Fight... of 2012.


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