The Mad Lib Contest Updates

Started on Dec 28th...

Who wants to do mad libs!?!?
Mad Lib Generator
Submit your mad lib by pinging me and then we'll vote on the funniest one and the author of that lib gets a prize!!! (we just made this game up, by we that would be lovecraft and I.) Have fun!

Update ~ Dec 29th

I'll have the mad lib submissions open until Dec 30th and then on the 31st we'll vote for the best one and then a winner will be announced on Jan 1st. Sound good? Now LOVECRAFT needs to help me decide on a prize!

Update ~ Dec 30th

Um.. okay, so to answer some questions about the mad libs, you can do however many you want and post them here for us all to enjoy but for your actually submission please pick the one that you think is the best! Hopefully that'll make voting less confusing. And there isn't one that you have to do, do which ever ones that you like. The personal ad one is really funny, I liked that one. I also did the dragon one but didn't save it.

Update ~ Dec. 31st

Okay dokey, today is the last day for submissions for the mad lib contest (I'll be kind and go by my time so everyone has about 2 and half more hours to submit). And then the next post where I ping the group will be when voting starts)... I hope that makes sense. And everyone can thank LOVECRAFT for being so kind and donating our surprise prize!!

(this is not the voting post but the making sure and check it twice post)
And so I have mad lib submissions from;
LOVECRAFT , GUILDIEOTY , TERRENAANIMULA MARISSAUNDERGROUND and myself. When I put them up to vote they'll have numbers instead of names next to them, so making sure I got everyone who has submitted.


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