Better late than never: Week 2 & 3 / Issue 2

This week The Pepper will be twice as big! Mostly because Tea_Roll has poor time management skills but I'm sure you want to hear about the gossip and scandals of our favorite little tea shop. That's what news is all about. And believe us when we say that LRVT has all of those things! We debuted The Pepper last week and it is already taking Subeta by storm. Now before you all perish from waiting for this newest issue with baited breath, get on with the reading of all the juiciest details of what's going on this week with the LRVT clan! What is fact? What is fiction? We leave that for you to decide.

Be advised. This content may not be suitable for all audiences.

A Smashing Success!

To no surprise to us here at The Pepper, the release of our first edition last week received rave reviews. Our first reader Merlot was quoted as saying, "It's a great idea and fun reading :grinning:" and from Frieda, "What a great BLOG! I love it. Thanks for sharing." Our reporting had even saved the day for one nakkid Lovecraft. She was quoted with this response for our story we ran last week, Who's Nakkid Now, "WTH my HA was not in the original image I posted. If I hadn't read it in the news things.... are I may not have had a clue." Of course, the writers of this humble newspaper had to nearly throw chairs to chase the crickets away from the first issue, but all in all, The Pepper has already become a smashing success. With suggestions pouring in about what our readers would like to see, it looks like The Pepper is here to stay.

Jalapenos are Accidental Geniuses?

After bumbling the password and forgetting to swap ships in the latest wayward squirrel development, the Jalapenos made a leap of faith into the library below. Once all safely accounted for at the bottom, the bumbling team was soon to learn that they were geniuses...accidentally. Though no doubt all teams were completely blown away, no one was more shocked out of their socks (if they were wearing any--a highly doubtful occurrence.) than the Jalapenos themselves. When the judges praised them for catching the hidden easter egg in the plot, the Jalapenos could only stutter..."Uhh, huh? We did? How is that even slightly possible?!"

Well, stranger things may never have happened, but we can be sure that the next puzzle in the Wayward Squirrel Adventure will no doubt prove that lightning never strikes the same spot twice and the Jalapenos are never accidentally geniuses twice in a row either.

A StyleFile Model

LRVT was delighted this week with news of our own Merlot making the front page of StyleFile, not once, but twice. This fashionista is making her way to becoming a very well known name in the fashion industry. Witchy, Professor of Fashion and Magic at ASP University was quoted as saying, "OMG Merlot, did you know that you are on the Style-File sites Front Page!?!!! TWO of your avatars! HOW COOL IS THAT! I Know A STAR!!"

Suspiciously Unchaotic

Wayward Squirrel contestants and friendly competitors of the Jalapenos,  Organized Chaos, have remained under surveillance over the past few weeks in hopes of shedding some light on the accuracy of their oxymoron of an identity. The public has long questioned how one can be chaotic and organized and The Pepper has taken it upon themselves to investigate. However, the team was uncannily unchaotic and vague and the editors are forced to report that as of yet we have few theories, and are leaning towards one that would indicate that "chaos" is a secret code word for "calm". We have yet to determine what "organized" might stand for but stay tuned for more on this developing investigation!

Star in the Making...the latest about Baby Merlot!

Here at the Pepper, we have all the inside information about one of the newest to be additions to the royal family arriving in January, Baby Merlot! While we were crossing our fingers to be the first to announce the real name of this little royal, it seems like the tiny ninja in the making will continue to remain anonymous for the time being. Feuding royal family members Chat and Tea_Roll continue to press their cases for rights in naming the child, and the royal parents continue to retain their stance that they have the naming situation well under control. The Pepper has inside information that the child will NOT be named Chat Roll, but only time will reveal the truth about Baby Merlot's future identity.

Tea_Roll wins the Pans!

Wise man say, man who stands on toilet is high on pot. This was not the case for LRVT founding member Tea_Roll, who met with 5 seconds of fame this week as the random dice rolled in her favor, landing her a new set of pots and pans!

Springjoy, who was in charge of the random roll was heard to say as she picked her jaw up off the floor, "The chances of Tea winning pots and pans was one in nearly six hundred. I can't believe this happened!" Merlot claims that her magic dust was what increased the odds in Tea_Roll's favor. Tea was recorded as having nearly peed herself and some anonymous LRVT members may or may not have begun plans to campaign for free pancakes every weekend for the next year or two.


These suspicious banners have been seen around subeta; we at The Pepper think they mean something.

TerrenaAnimula! Witchy! PaisleyAnn! If you are not on this list and should be, please bonk the editors on the head with a very soft pool noodle. Thank you.


  1. OMG i lol'd so hard i teared up ... fanks guys!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Keep it coming! I need the giggles! (Hint: Organized Chaos just sounds less 1980's then Stone Cold Rogues....or does it? nudge nudge...wink wink..)-Lady Frieda


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