All Aboard, Ye Scurvy Dogs /????/ Issue 4

Pirate Day/th' site be gettin' a fresh face HARR, 'n G' day t' all ye buccaneers and wanna-bes! We got ya a'other juicy bit o' news and gossip and ya dun wanna miss it. Firs' in formost, we be changin' the look o' our Pepper Page a might bit, due to some o yorn bellerin about it fryin' yer eyes out 'r something 'nother. So iffen you be likin' this better, do give your lovely Pirate Editors a thumbs up. Since 'tis the season fer celebratin' and carryin' on about the pirates, we dinna wan ta let yer fine n fancy folk down. We be in Pirate Land until the next issue 'n you better not holler at us fer not writtin' in gud english or yer be walkin' the plank you will. Now that this issue be off t' a good 'n proper start, let's get t' th' juicy tidbits ye 'ave been dyin' t' read about fer th' last two weeks. Wha's happenin' wit' Sprog Merlot and the namin' ...