All Aboard, Ye Scurvy Dogs /????/ Issue 4

Pirate Day/th' site be gettin' a fresh face

HARR, 'n G' day t' all ye buccaneers and wanna-bes! We got ya a'other juicy bit o' news and gossip and ya dun wanna miss it.

Firs' in formost, we be changin' the look o' our Pepper Page a might bit, due to some o yorn bellerin about it fryin' yer eyes out 'r something 'nother. So iffen you be likin' this better, do give your lovely Pirate Editors a thumbs up.

Since 'tis the season fer celebratin' and carryin' on about the pirates, we dinna wan ta let yer fine n fancy folk down. We be in Pirate Land until the next issue 'n you better not holler at us fer not writtin' in gud english or yer be walkin' the plank you will.

Now that this issue be off t' a good 'n proper start, let's get t' th' juicy tidbits ye 'ave been dyin' t' read about fer th' last two weeks.

Wha's happenin' wit' Sprog Merlot and the namin' of him

'Twas our delight t' announce th' name o' th' newest royal, Walter Michael Kainoa Merlot, in th' last issue o' th' Pepper--'n th' end o' th' namin' feud between th' two rival royals, Tea_Roll 'n Chat. However, th' tale continues t' unfold as both continue t' press thar claims now fer th' rights t' nickname th' young one upon his upcomin' arrival. Chat insists that as th' elder, he has automatic rights. Tea claims that her nigh-daily natters wit' mama Merlot will give her th' upper hand. T' prove her point she proclaimed nicknames fer th' Youngsters Sprin', 'n Merlot herself said she made a good point. Chat disagreed heartily 'n demanded that Tea 'ave no encouragement in growin' her ego. Th' Pepper be devoted t' followin' any further developments on this family feud 'n will continue t' brin' ye th' latest on this tale.

LRVT's Biggest Buccaneers and thar Bootys 

Avast ye freebooter, did ye know that the Kraken is of Norse mythology? Th' most famous of Kraken be Cthulhu. Shiver me timbers, I do be a landlubber to not say Cthulhu be of Scandinavian descent making thy own Gerty be too! Ohhh! Hum. How do be use this information? Because ye can't spell Scandinavian without autocorrect trying to change it to scandal!! Not to mention her thieving cohort the Hornswaggle Chat do be a son of a biscuit eater to  dance the hempen jig in his pilfer of duffles. Least we forget thy attempts to loot the innocent lass that is Springjoy! Aye! They be pirates! One last bit o' trivia. Did ye know that's Sweden started putting barcodes on their ships? So they could Scan-the-navy. A yo ho ho, there be the news.

Where in th' world be Gilly?

Wit' so many o' LRVT out chasin' th' winds 'n sailin' th' high seas in search o' treasures at th' far port where th' pirate ship be docked, th' riddle has been asked: Where in th' world be Gilly? Th' Pepper set out t' investigate, 'n it seems that aft his more violent past, Gilly has taken t' livin' more peacefully in th' Subetan Seas these days. His owner, Lovecraft, claims that while his diet be currently vegetarian, he may make an exception fer Chat.

Chat, who suggested that should Tea decide t' throw Lovecraft down a hill or under a bus, it might nah be a bad thin', was told in no uncertain terms t' watch his step on deck while sailin' should th' worst happen 'n Gilly become suddenly starvin'.

Th' Pepper believes it best t' avoid swimmin' out at Sea at this time.

Be Dressin' up like a Pirate

Since it being pirate day n' all that hubballoo, we be dressin' our bootys in proper garbs. You scurvy pirates do the same and ye all get yerself a place in the Buccaneers of LRVT gallery in the next issue of t' Pepper. Jus' be a hollerin' at TerrennaAnimula to come 'n snap yer picture now and she be doin' it.


Who be lurkin' on th' forum

Some folk be sayin' they the lurkin' type. Now we jus' don't wanna ignore the lurkin' ones so we made a fine place fer them all in this little Pepper paper right here. So who be lurkin o' late? That'd be Freida
and sometimes Tea_Roll pretends to lurk all ninja like. But pirate folk don't be a welcomin' any one jumpin' aboard ship within out a sound. Scares the hair off th' capt'n's big toe, it does. So some'n say Tea not a hardy ninja. She be though.

Spiderwebby brews a storm o'er late news

Aft th' last issue o' th' Pepper was unexpectedly delayed, hand SpiderWebby was most displeased. Wit' Storms now brewin' in various oceans, Th' Pepper has reason t' believe that th' Spider Webby used some powers o' magic t' brew a storm up in order t' encourage a more timely delivery o' news in th' future. 

SpiderWebby if ye be readin' this, Th' Pepper has taken note. Mebbe. We can't be makin' a promise.

Terribly Lame Pirate Jokes Fer ye

Q. What be a pirate's favorite letter?

A.  If ye not be weird like Springjoy, and say "RRRR!!!" That woud be th' wrong thing ta say. No!! It is the "C" I love!!

Q: Why don’t pirates shower before they walk the plank?

A: Because they’ll just wash up on shore later.

Q: What did the ocean say to the pirate?

A: Nothing, it just waved.

Ask the Cat

Do Pirates Eat Pizza?

Only Anchovy Pizza

How much water could a Pirate drink if a pirate did drink water?

A Boatload


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