Who's Giving Fresh Cake? // Issue 8

Did you think the editors of The Pepper accidentally ALL wandered into the Marzipan room and got eaten up? After last issue's release, that may have been a legitimate question. But, in spite of our varied and unique distractions, we are here to bring you a most controversial issue of The Pepper. Get ready, because at least part of this issue is going to be very sticky. Where in the World Have the Editors Been?? While we do not fancy ourselves so vital to the health and happiness of our readers that you all cannot live should our little paper be delayed, in order to answer to The Weather Controlling Webby so she stops trying to freeze us out of house and home with her ice and below zero temperatures, we offer up this little column by way of explanation. The exact details of what all we have been doing in our somewhat extended absence may or may not be top secret. We get our news but can't give up all our sources...unless you are offering fudge dipped cookies or som...