Who's Giving Fresh Cake? // Issue 8

Did you think the editors of The Pepper accidentally ALL wandered into the Marzipan room and got eaten up? After last issue's release, that may have been a legitimate question.

But, in spite of our varied and unique distractions, we are here to bring you a most controversial issue of The Pepper.  Get ready, because at least part of this issue is going to be very sticky.

Where in the World Have the Editors Been??

While we do not fancy ourselves so vital to the health and happiness of our readers that you all cannot live should our little paper be delayed, in order to answer to The Weather Controlling Webby so she stops trying to freeze us out of house and home with her ice and below zero temperatures, we offer up this little column by way of explanation.

The exact details of what all we have been doing in our somewhat extended absence may or may not be top secret. We get our news but can't give up all our sources...unless you are offering fudge dipped cookies or something...

That said, Whether or not we visit the Marzipan room we cannot confirm or deny. And IF we do, it's probably only to check on TerrenaAnimula who seems to like to disappear in there every few days WHAT exactly does she do in there? No one knows. We'll save our speculations for another issue. P.S If you or anyone you know has any theories on this topic, PLEASE do contact the editors immediately!

Besides top secret Pepper Sleuthing, and Terrena being suspiciously scarce, Tea_Roll has been especially busy rolling around in her workshop making pretty stuff. Go take a look! Cuz you know, pretty stuff!

Spring has been yelling a lot--mostly at Tea. For happy mail names. It's a good distraction from the miserable mess that has been Spring's work for the last few weeks!  Side note: Tea finally gave Spring names after weeks and weeks of yelling. We're pretty sure Tea really enjoys it and that's why she delays so much!

The NEW Friend

This one is an interesting character. He looks like a big tough monster, but apparently, most monsters actually have big ol' soft hearts. Giving the Dungarde his very first Lumi was absolutely the best. In an exclusive interview with the editors, he expressed his thanks...we think. He was so busy eating candy and popcorn and looking at all his books that we're not sure what he said. But he looked happy, and who doesn't love happy??

It is our hope that in Lumi's to come, we can return to visit our new friend and share more of the Lumi spirit with him for as long as Jaxon shall live. 

Who's Been Feeding Fresh Cake?

For many years, quite possibly since the beginning of Subeta time, there has been a major controversy within the Royal Family and the LRVT/ASP tribe. That controversy has centered on one thing: Should Fresh be allowed to eat cake or not. The lines between supporters of cake and protestors of cake are strong and clear, with very few sitting on the fence.

Among the most adamant to deny Fresh Cake has long been Tea_Roll. Lately, however, her loyalty to the No Cake For Fresh campaign has been under suspicion, as she has more than once shared images that declare that cake is for everyone--not only on her personal social media but in the LRVT group for all to see!

Though she completely and thoroughly denies ALL responsibility for any increase in the Cake For Fresh movement and maintains that she still is anti-Fresh ever having ANY cake, you have to wonder if perhaps this little slip shows more of her true colors than she intended. Could it be that TEA_ROLL has actually been the anonymous cake donor to Fresh's impressive Cake Gallery all these years while tooting the horn against him for the other side at the same time? If you wish proof, visit these two posts in the ASP facebook group.


If the Pepper ever has any more insight into this most unusual case, we will keep you informed. And in the meantime, we want to know--should Cake be allowed or should it not?

It's almost time for LOVE and ZOMBIES! 

One of the most anticipated holidays of the subetan year is Survival. In fact, after introducing this mysterious holiday of disease and zombie lore, instead of celebrating who has survived, it's more like Subeta can't survive without their dose of zombies and new looks to sport and admire. There are, of course, some who do not prefer to terrorize their delicate senses with anything frightening or gory and avoid Survival as much as possible. But for the rest of us, we're all about the zombies and the love!

In a small poll of some of the LRVT community, we've gathered a few top picks of what themes you would like to see in this coming Survival Event of 2019.

- FRUIT. Kiwi, Strawberries, Peaches--just make us a big old fruit salad, and we're going to party!
- COFFEE. That Baker's kiss cupcake needs a good cuppa to go along!
- IMPRINTED SKIN. Instead of the whole body changing drastically, the health skin would morph into prints and fabrics and colors. Floral, paisley, tye dye, you name it!
- MORE GOREY. Just make it as much of a bloody mess as you can, please!

We've had insects and we've had fungus. And while it's not likely that our little list will make it into this year's survival, we'd LOVE to know what your predictions are!

No One's Naked

While this section has been voted one of the fan favorites (Looking at YOU, Webby!), it, unfortunately, is hard to keep it filled with any scandalous shots. Y'all are too good at keeping your clothes on, apparently.

So how about YOU send us your favorite snowballed pictures for us to feature in the next issue of The Pepper?


  1. I, as a completely uninvolved and innocent bystander with no personal bias, believe that fresh should be allowed cake. Just sayin'.

    Also.. I *may* have some incriminating evidence of most (if not all) of the main anti-cakers providing me.. erm, I mean fresh, with cake and cake-like products.

    1. I'm sure you, er Fresh will be glad to know that the Pepper would be more than happy to take all evidence into consideration for a future issue. Perhaps this life long scandal is simply a farse and we can all have cake and eat it!

  2. I can't believe that this paper would print such scandalous lies!!

    1. Truth or Lies? I guess no one will ever really know....


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