Do we BOAR you? // Issue 9

We need to know! Are we boaring??

We haven't even hit our 10th issue of The Pepper, but we really need to talk about the important things this time. We've talked about the family feud over naming rights of Baby Merlot.  We talked about the entire history and family tree of LRVT from the Empress to Tea's Trolling father figure. We've had a cake fight, and we've discussed the room that should not be mentioned--that we just keep mentioning. But now we need to know: do we BOAR you?

Before you answer that, read this issue entirely at least once and then decide because things are about to get really, really, really, really and we mean really, B.O.A.R.I.N.G in 2019. In fact, this issue of The Pepper is going to be so boaring that you'll find it unbelievably easy to reach the next level of boardom. So hop on board and join us for the most boaring year that LRVT has ever known.

Yup, that's right. We're about to get extremely board around here and we're inviting you to join us. Ready? Well, not that that's ever stopped us anyway. Let's go get board!!

Le'ts all Celebrate the New Year by being boared! 

Subeta just got hundreds of times more boaring the moment the clock rang in the Chinese new year and everyone dashed headlong into the boaring details of owning their very own boar of a pet. No one has ever been more boared before now and if your life is just way too exciting, you can definitely make it more boaring by heading over to the adopt-r-us or the pet center  and picking up your very own armload of boaredom by taking home an Urubu. T

oo much excitement is not good for a soul. So you will definitely want to add this boaring pet to your collection. It's not only good for your health, but you know you wanna be like the Webby who adopted her boaring new friend immediately. So just get your board butt in gear and go do it!

The Survival of the Unfit

Now, this issue is all about being boaring and stuff like that. But we still won't pull the wool over your eyes about the athletic abilities of most of LRVT. Who said only the fit survive? Who said anyone wants to? Apparently not LRVT as the forum has been filled with various degrees of boaringly frightful people who decided to turn into food.

We can't say that Pandemic itself has been terribly boaring though. While most infections seem eager to attack the unsuspecting, zombie loving foodies of all sorts had to practically plan an entire stealth operation to catch up with their chosen infection and make it attack them. And even then, it seemed like the food like fungi weren't really into it this year and made us all work for it. I guess they missed the memo about how boaring 2019 is suppose to be!

Needless to say, pandemic did not fail us on one count: It filled our files with fodder for fan favorite. But before we get to that, are you board enough yet?? I didn't think so.

The Winter That Will Never END (And it's making us even more board.)

If you live in the tropics, or in some blessed place where the sun is shining and you are bathed in the blissful waves of warmth and beauty, count your boaring blessings right now! Because most of LRVT is frozen in place, buried in snow or floating away in a rainstorm that won't go away. Even the Empress has had to battle against the weather and we're ready to kick Elsa or...Lovecraft or SpiderWebby or WHOEVER IT IS that is making this the longest winter ever back up to the sun to get a fresh perspective on things. We're just done with the rain. We're done with being frozen and we do not want to blow away or get struck by weird lightening strikes that show up during a snow storm, okay? That's not very boaring and we don't like it.
Now that you're board to death because of all that weather talk and enjoying your peace and quiet, we're switching things up with a smorgas board of boaring, scandelous and down right frightening snapshots of the LRVT clan. We'll let you decide which is which. Without, boaring details, we present....

Who's Boaring and who's Nekked Now?

Spiderwebby, who just went grocery shopping in her undies. No big deal. 

Elyssia who just...went out for a stroll topless like it's the current style.
MarissaUnderground who is trying to blend in by wearing cow spots.

Ekwols who went to La Amoire and forgot the dress when she left!

Goblin who has something trying to gobble their face off. 

Lovecraft who became so nekkid she just decided to skip the body altogether.

Rotten who may just be perpetually nearly nekkid. I'm not really sure.

Spring who forgot clothing and her face at home. 

PaisleyAnn who has every right to curse after trying to tell everyone saying dinner was on her, and everyone thought she was just trying to pay for the meal.

Tea who still thinks its MoroFireLumiDemic and is burning her birds up and her jacket but is just standing there like...hey, this is the best winter ever! 

QueenBee who is trying to be just nekkid enough that the skeleton won't freak out too much...

Rosaria who is trying to pretend like she's not really showing off very much skin but really is mostly sheer.


Fresh who apparently is either a bat or a troll.

Frieda who didn't want to not get in on the, furr showing. Don't let that blush fool you! We know she's way proud of her furr and showing it off.

And TerrenaAnimula who is not showing ANY SKIN. At All. Ever.

And that's it folks. We've board you enough for one day. Next time, you won't even recognize us because we'll be masquerading as...well, you'll just have to wait and see.

Until next time!


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