All Good Things// Issue 12

Seasons come and seasons go

This winter might be the exception, but in general, that's the way of life.  Here today, gone tomorrow. In with the New and Out with the Old. You get the picture, right?

Even good things end eventually. We've had more fun fooling around for the last twelve issues than Fresh in a roomful of cake, but all good things must come to an end. It is thus with deep regret that your beloved and adorable editors of The Pepper, have come to the conclusion that it's time to say goodbye.

But before we go, we promise that we'll give you an issue you won't forget. Maybe it'll be so impactful that twenty years from now you'll be sitting somewhere sipping your tea (not to be confused with Tea_Roll) and think..."Goodness, remember that farewell issue of The Pepper  I read on that outdated thing called the internet? That was really something." Because that's what The Pepper is. Something. Hopefully, it's been a good, lot-of-fun and laughs something, when we weren't boaring you to death.  But if not, at least you will have found freedom. Or something. Maybe? We don't make any promises on what you'll find because we're not psychic and we don't know. But you'll figure it out. Life, LRVT and the Marzipan Room WILL go on. Tea will still be the pinger of doom. Witchy will still live in a swirl of rainbows. Fresh will always love cake. Lovecraft will always say NO to everything (A serious killjoy, that one.). And our beloved Empress will never run out of cheesecake, wine, chocolate, fans or shirtless butlers. Of that we are certain.

But before we call this a wrap, let's go back in time, shall we?

The Spiciest Moments of The Pepper

Remember that time there was an epic MLP battle that consumed LRVT for days...months...maybe even years? 
Remember when Webby was a baby new subeta and took only pink things on the cruise?
Remember when Tea took a picture of everything burning down and most of us have no idea what it means?

Remember when we talked about Gerty's crazy house party and the marizpan room? We're still grossed about about Terrena kissing Santa. IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. ew.

And There's More

Yes. There is ALWAYS more. That's a lesson to tuck away somewhere because you'll probably use it sometime. In a book maybe. We can't wrap up The Pepper, though, without sharing juicy, inside-only tidbits of scandal, drama, and gossip. Brace yourselves, we saved the best for last.

The Empress is in love. 

Come on, now. We aren't the ones with the fancy butlers to fan you so don't faint on us now. But it's true. Our gorgeous, wise and wonderful Empress is really and truly in love. She has described her new love as "amazing." "decadent". "sinful".  "delicious". "unbelievably good". Strange words to describe a lover? Hey, judging the Empress is punishable by flogging or even worse. Best let her use whatever words suit her fancy!

"Now we know why she loves Masquerade so much!" An anomous source that doesn't want to be booped told the Pepper.

Spiderwebby Weaves Farewell

This issue isn't just about singing so long, farewell to peppery moments of our past, it's about saying farewell to The Pepper's biggest fan. The one who yells at us if we're .000123453221 seconds late in publishing. (Not that that has ever happened. Pfft.) On the brink of an epic Avon success, the webs is weaving a hasty farewell upon hearing the news that us at the Pepper are farewelling. If you see her about, tell her that she was always one of The Pepper's biggest stars.

Who's Nakkid Now

This has hands down been the most popular column of The Pepper since the beginning. It's only fitting that we present a wrap up of some of our most nekkid moments.

So this is it, dear reader. Prince Merlot is still rolling, Chat is still hiding (who would blame him? He bet big money on Prince Merlot's political leanings!), but we're going to sign off now and say that this is



  1. You're serious, right? This is the end? What ever shall I do for entertainment. It's not like I get a lot of news up here in the sticks of Glen Meadow, I rely on The Pepper for all my news and gossip. This is a very very sad day for me.


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