Mad Lib Entries
Voting will commence upon who has the best Mad Lib. Below are the Mad LIbs, there are no names with them, only numbers, so ping me with you number vote. You can vote for your own, you may also ping others to contribute a vote, one vote per person, though. So ping your friends, ping your cult *looks at list* which we know what cult that is... and voting will end at midnight Pacific time, hopefully that will give everyone plenty of time to vote. (Pacific time is 3 hours later from Subeta time.) Ping # 1 to vote for this Mad Lib I enjoy long, Scandalous walks on the beach, getting Misused in the rain and serendipitous encounters with Ladies. I really like piƱa coladas mixed with Tea, and romantic, candle-lit Kittens. I am well-read from Dr. Seuss to Henry VIII. I travel frequently, especially to London, when I am not busy with work. (I am a Librarian.) I am looking for Book and beauty in the form of a British goddess. She should have the physique of Emilie Autumn and the Teapot of @F...