A New Prince is Born & Other Belated Stuff n Things /Issue 6

Guess who's back? That's right.  After an unexpected and extended hiatus and many, many (many?) yelling sessions from The SpiderWebby herself, we are proud to present you the sixth and most important issue of The Pepper yet.

Did you miss us? ....Is that crickets we hear? Okay then. Let's pretend like you all have been pining away for your biweekly dose of what's going down on Subeta and with the LRVT Royal clan. So grab yourself some cocoa, and get settled in. This issue is one of the best ones yet, I promise!

Baby Merlot Picks His Own Birthday!

Wait a minute, Baby Merlot was supposed to arrive AFTER Lumi, wasn't he? Well, he has news for you!

The source of many family feuds, particularly between two prominent family members, Chat and Tea_Roll, Baby Michael Kainoa Merlot decided to end the speculation of his post-Lumi arrival and showed up on his own timeline.

That happened to be the day before Thanksgiving. Mama Merlot went in for a routine check on the 20th, which led to a hospital stay and a semi-speedy delivery of the new Prince on the 21st of November. The unexpected turn of events left us all speechless for a little bit, but that tiny fuzzy headed guy has already captured all our hearts.

 Merlot and Prince Michael are doing well, and the LRVT family is absolutely delighted with this tiny new addition and his LRVT spirit that does things on his own time and in his own way.

True to his roots,  he is one strong little prince, rocking his NICU stay and working on meeting all those milestones he needs to hit so he can come on home to enjoy his very first Lumi with his proud parents, Doggy big sis Emma, and grandparents. He's definitely the star of the season, so stop what you are doing, drop this issue of The Pepper like it's HOT (and yes, that pun is totally on purpose, thank you for asking!) and rush over to Merlot's profile and give her and our new family member, Michael Kainoa, all the love and good wishes they deserve!

Chat and Tea_Roll may have had an unexpected end to their arguments and feuding, but stay tuned. It's only a matter of time before the next royal scandal or fight involving these two erupts. History is proof.


Prince Michael is the big news of the issue, but let's just take a moment to get this out.

It's here! It's here! LUMI IS HERE!!!!

Grab yourself a tree, throw up your decorations and go hit the shops like nobody's business. December's the month that LRVT officially has NO SPENDING LIMIT, per a decree historically passed down by our amazing Empress Lariel.

You know what this means. You have about 25 days to spend all your sP. Now I know that we could all probably spend our sP in that many hours, but let's try to at least pretend like we have some self-control, okay?

Should you, for some reason, be more like Grinch than like the resident Elf-ish Pepper Writer, never fear. We've taken the time to compile a foolproof guide to making this Lumi pretty dang merry and bright.

So, finish reading The Pepper (because you know, someone might leave coal under your tree if you don't!) and then GO SPEND ALL YOUR SP!!!!!
  1. Grab a tree and bling that thang out! Get yourself the ornaments you always dreamed of and deck the halls! Don't forget to use the [tree=username here] code to put the tree in your signature or to share it in a post. We want to see ALL THE PRETTY TREES so we can feature them in an upcoming issue of The Pepper.
  2. Buy yourself something sparkly! It's the season for festive parties and that means a new frock or two might be just the splurge you need to get in the spirit.
  3. Spoil your friends! Go hit those wishlists and pick out something awesome for the people who make this place amazing. 
  4. Fill up the Empty Trees. This is our fave. There are lots of active players who haven't forayed into the forums enough to have friends to fill up their trees. But everyone should have a little love at Lumi, so save a few dollars and go on an empty tree stuffing spree! If you want to join forces, this week's editor suggests checking out the #EmptyTrees group.
  5. Catch and release a fairy or two!
  6. Throw all the snowballs! Tea_Roll is volunteered to be a free-for-all target for all of LRVT this year!!
  7. There are tons of fun contests and gifting threads in the lumi forum. Make your own or jump in on one of the others! Whee!!! Presents! 
  8. Of course, don't forget the ASP/LRVT Lumi Fairy Watch thread hosted by The Webby. 

Old News and Other Necessary Tidbits

Okay, okay. We might have taken a six-week break when we weren't supposed to. But that doesn't mean we haven't been stacking up some news tidbits for you to enjoy. These might not be the most current news blips you ever read, but you'll probably want to keep on reading. If you make it to the end, you'll be rewarded with a couple things. Warning: You might need the unsee button, so get that out and keep it handy.

Lovecraft Enlarges her Closet

It's official. The months of waiting and torture are over, and Lovecraft has claimed the keys to her newest palace. With plenty of space for alexbots, and her ninja warrior kitties,  it's absolutely guaranteed to be one of the best places in the LRVT grounds. We have yet to figure out exactly how many CWs she has stashed away, or exactly what else goes into those closets, but she made sure to move silently in the dead of night so that no prying Pepper eyes could figure it out.

However, we recommend a holiday LRVT bash soon. If anyone is brave enough to risk traps and...who knows what else might be hiding for any snoops. 

Tea_Roll Can't Stop Getting Hexed

So, the story goes that every time Tea_Roll showed up to snag herself a fistful of candy, she'd get hexed. Whether or not this was intentional or accidental, the results were the same. Tea_Roll's costume was hijacked and she was replaced with quite a menagerie of frightening and sorry looking creatures. Apparently, she is none the worse for the wear, because she snapped selfies as it happened. Partly for sympathy pats and partly because...you never know when she'll need some sort of leverage for Virtual and Freida. Maybe this could count as blackmail someday...you just never know with Tea_Roll!

Jaxon's Nekkid and Witchy's Way Too Buff

There were some disturbing sightings over the last few weeks. Jaxon shows up IN the buff and Witchy shows up being way too buff.

First of all, WHAT ON EARTH is Witchy doing and is that even a six pack? I mean exercise isn't something the Pepper Writers obsess over, but we're pretty sure that those packs were put on by some sort of magic and not by hitting the gym for 24 hours a day. But....way to go Witchy and uh, who's in for donating some clothing to Jaxon this lumi?

 If you don't believe us and you're brave enough to look, just scroll on down. Also...can we now unsee those two things now?

So there you have it. Merry Lumi, y'all! Until...next...time....


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